About Us





"A Church for All People"


Our vision is to be an expression of God's Love in the world. We are an inclusive and diverse church; a place of unconditional love that inspires all individuals in our community. Partnering with the Holy Spirit and the community, we are committed to fighting and eradicating social ills that oppress God's children, preventing them from experiencing a fulfilled life.


God calls this church to be a progressive church where individuals realize their power, abilities, and responsibilities to self, community, and God. We are a place that continually seeks to understand God's word and love. As a Christ-centered ministry, we are an active part of the community; locally and abroad. Our work is to be both priestly and prophetic in all things, showing forth the Love of God, as we facilitate change to bring about the Beloved Community. We are called to be "a chosen people" regardless of socio-economical or educational backgrounds. Our congregation is made up of the educated and the uneducated. We are a combination of the haves and the have not's; the economically disadvantaged, the under-class, the unemployed and the employable. Those among us have united in Christian love and fellowship to become agents of change for God.

What We Believe

Theological positions
  • Jesus Christ is the Head of our Church
  • We believe that above all values, the greatest is that we Love the Lord God with our mind, body and soul and that we love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • We believe that the bible is the inspired word of God.

Belief Statements
  • We believe each person to be on a spiritual journey and at different stages of that journey.
  • We believe that the persistent search for God produces authentic relationships with God.
  • We believe in dignity of all persons.
  • We believe in speaking against systems, structures and nations that are not focused on justice for all of humanity.
  • We believe in the revolutionary act of Love.
  • We believe in promoting all forms of education that meets the mandates of society.
  • We believe in causing social change that promotes peace.
  • We believe in being socially prophetic and not just progressive and liberal for the sake of political correctness.We consider ourselves to be a light called by God to shine amidst the spiritual ignorance of our age that perpetuates racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia as well as all isms and phobias that promote hatred, violence, poverty, religious fanaticism and ignorance cloaked in religious dogma.         



The Community Church of Washington, DC 501(c)3 subsidiary organization. EE2 is an arm of our church that allows us to engage the community and further carry out our vision.

Empowerment Enterprise II (EE2) seeks to empower individuals and change communities. 
We create sustainable change by providing community enrichment through programing 
that is focused on youth development, HIV/AIDS prevention, Life Skill development and community development.
For more information visit: www.ee2dc.org


What to expect

Expect a welcoming environment with a family feel.
Key Characteristic of Our Church
  • Community Oriented
  • Social Justice Oriented
  • Diverse
  • Inclusive
  • Charismatic/Spirit Filled
  • Education Oriented Community Focus Areas
Community Focus Areas
  • Youth and Young Adult Development
  • Education
  • HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support
  • Economic Development

How We Worship:

Above all, we come to worship our God. Now our service… think, “traditional down-home Baptist meets progressive Pentecostal infused with a keen understanding of cultural awareness & an atmosphere that includes ALL people.” Our live praise & worship filled services include sound teaching & applicable messages.

What to Wear:

It’s simple: Be You; Bring You.
At CCWDC you’ll see everything from casual dress to traditional ‘Sunday go-to-meeting’ clothes to cleric attire. We sincerely believe in the ‘come as you are principle, in your heart, situations, and even in your dress.

Our Preaching Style:

Our sermons are usually preached either by our Pastor & Founder, Rev. Dr. Aaron B. Wade or one of our other gifted ministers or guest speakers. Filled with the Gospel – the life, death & resurrection of Jesus Christ- all sermons include practical lessons that will allow you to apply them to your life & take immediate action through divine inspiration.  Check it out here: http://ccwdc.org/watch-live.html

Everyone has a seat at the table… even your kids! =) #YouthNation

We’ve got something for everyone, including a full worship experience designed for our children and youth. For more info on joining or working with Youth Nation, contact us here: http://ccwdc.org/contact-us.html


We believe, “effective stewardship creates effective lives!”

We are a tithing church! Each believer has a responsibility to give back to God at least 10% of what God’s given to us, so that others will have.

We are encouraged to GIVE, as we become a blessing to our Church and Community!! We believe in giving back to God through our borrowed time (volunteer), talent (gifts) & treasure (finances) to the storehouse. The bible teaches us the principles of "reaping and sowing" into fertile ground. We invite you to plant your seeds in this ministry through your giving relationship and trust Him to meet you where you’d like Him to elevate you. Learn more here:  http://ccwdc.org/give.html



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